Style Customization

Some actual customizations has been done in the example project

1- Templates and default blocks:

BS classes, pagination and some other template values can be now customized from within your templates directory as follows:

  1. Create comment folder inside templates directory.
  2. Create a new template file .html give it the same name of the default template that needs to be overridden and put it in the right directory.

Templates tree:

└── templates
    └── comment
        ├── anonymous
        │   ├── confirmation_request.html
        │   ├── confirmation_request.txt
        │   └── discarded.html
        ├── comments
        │   ├── apply_icon.html
        │   ├── base.html
        │   ├── cancel_icon.html
        │   ├── child_comment.html
        │   ├── comment_body.html
        │   ├── comment_content.html
        │   ├── comment_form.html
        │   ├── comment_modal.html
        │   ├── content.html
        │   ├── create_comment.html
        │   ├── delete_icon.html
        │   ├── edit_icon.html
        │   ├── messages.html
        │   ├── pagination.html
        │   ├── parent_comment.html
        │   ├── reject_icon.html
        │   ├── resolve_icon.html
        │   ├── three_dots_menu.html
        │   ├── update_comment.html
        │   └── urlhash.html
        ├── email
        │   ├── email_template.html
        │   └── footer.html
        ├── flags
        │   ├── flag_icon.html
        │   ├── flag_modal.html
        │   └── flags.html
        ├── follow
        │   ├── follow.html
        │   ├── follow_icon.html
        │   └── follow_modal.html
        ├── notifications
        │   ├── notification.html
        │   └── notification.txt
        ├── reactions
        │   ├── dislike_icon.html
        │   ├── like_icon.html
        │   └── reactions.html
        ├── base.html
        ├── bootstrap.html
        └── static.html

for example to override the BS classes of submit buttons and pagination style do the following:

create templates/comment/comments/create_comment.html

{% extends "comment/comments/create_comment.html" %}

{% block submit_button_cls %}
btn btn-primary btn-block btn-sm
{% endblock submit_button_cls %}

{# override pagination style: #}
{% block pagination %}
{% include 'comment/comments/pagination.html' with active_btn='bg-danger' text_style='text-dark' li_cls='page-item rounded mx-1' %}
{% endblock pagination %}

Templates and block tags names with default values:

This style customization is compatible with version >= 1.6.5 Some block tags may not work on old versions.


{% extends "comment/comments/base.html" %}

{% block comment_section_cls %}my-5 mx-3{% endblock comment_section_cls %}

{% block header_div_cls %}border-bottom mb-4{% endblock header_div_cls %}
{% block header_title_cls %}bb{% endblock header_title_cls %}
{% block follow_icon_wrapper_cls %}float-right{% endblock follow_icon_wrapper_cls %}

{% block pagination %}  {# override default pagination classes #}
{% include 'comment/comments/pagination.html' with active_btn='bg-success' text_style='text-success' li_cls='page-item rounded mx-1' %}
{% endblock pagination %}


{% extends "comment/comments/create_comment.html" %}

{% block text_area_wrapper_cls %}col-sm-9 col-md-10 px-2 m-2 m-sm-0{% endblock text_area_wrapper_cls %}
{% block submit_button_wrapper_cls %}col-sm-3 col-md-2 px-2 m-3 m-sm-0{% endblock submit_button_wrapper_cls %}
{% block submit_button_cls %}btn btn-outline-success btn-block btn-sm{% endblock submit_button_cls %}

{% block login_info %}
{# Please see 'comment/comments/create_comment.html' template for default block #}
{% endblock login_info %}

{% block oauth %}  {# override default oauth urls section #}
<a class="mx-1 my-0 h4 github-color" href="{% url 'social:begin' 'github' %}?next={{request.path}}"><i class="fa fa-github-square"></i></a>
<a class="mx-1 my-0 h4 facebook-color" href="{% url 'social:begin' 'facebook' %}?next={{request.path}}"><i class="fa fa-facebook-square"></i></a>
<a class="mx-1 my-0 h4 twitter-color" href="{% url 'social:begin' 'twitter' %}?next={{request.path}}"><i class="fa fa-twitter-square"></i></a>
<a class="mx-1 my-0 h4 google-color" href="{% url 'social:begin' 'google-oauth2' %}?next={{request.path}}"><i class="fa fa-google-plus-square"></i></a>
{% endblock oauth %}


{% extends "comment/comments/parent_comment.html" %}

{% block parent_comment_wrapper_cls %}text-wrap{% endblock parent_comment_wrapper_cls %}
{% block replies_wrapper_cls %}ml-5 my-4{% endblock replies_wrapper_cls %}


{% extends "comment/comments/child_comment.html" %}

{% block child_comment_wrapper_cls %}text-wrap mb-4{% endblock child_comment_wrapper_cls %}


{% extends "comment/comments/comment_body.html" %}

{% block image_wrapper_cls %}col-2 col-md-1{% endblock image_wrapper_cls %}
{% block image_cls %}w-100{% endblock image_cls %}

{% block three_dots_wrapper_cls %}col-1{% endblock three_dots_wrapper_cls %}


{% extends "comment/comments/comment_content.html" %}

{% block content_wrapper_cls %}{% if has_valid_profile %}col-9 col-md-10{% else %}co-11 mx-3{% endif %}{% endblock content_wrapper_cls %}
{% block comment_content %}   {# override truncate words number - change the number 30 to your desired or 0 if you don't want to fold the comment #}
    {# new settings variable COMMENT_WRAP_CONTENT_WORDS is introduce for changing the number of wrapped words. #}
    {# working with the settings var is more convenient than overriding the template #}
    {% render_content comment words_number %}  {# words_number is the settings variable COMMENT_WRAP_CONTENT_WORDS #}
{% endblock comment_content %}

{% block footer_wrapper_cls %}mt-2 text-muted{% endblock footer_wrapper_cls %}
{% block username_cls %}{% endblock username_cls %}
{% block reply_count_cls %}text-dark{% endblock reply_count_cls %}
{% block reply_link_cls %}btn btn-link ml-1{% endblock reply_link_cls %}
{% block follow_icon_wrapper_cls %}d-inline ml-3{% endblock follow_icon_wrapper_cls %}


{% extends "comment/comments/content.html" %}

{% block content_text_cls %}mb-0{% endblock content_text_cls %}
{% block read_more_cls %}btn btn-link btn-xs read-more{% endblock read_more_cls %}


{% extends "comment/comments/edit_icon.html" %}

{% block edit_link_cls %}btn btn-link{% endblock edit_link_cls %}
{% block edit_img_icon %}Here comes your favorite icon{% endblock edit_img_icon %}

{# use this tag for overriding the default icon color, this tag won't have effect in case of using the above one #}
{% block edit_icon_color %}#00bc8c{% endblock edit_icon_color %}


{% extends "comment/comments/delete_icon.html" %}

{% block delete_btn_cls %}btn btn-link{% endblock delete_btn_cls %}
{% block delete_img_icon %}Here comes your favorite icon{% endblock delete_img_icon %}

{# use this tag for overriding the default icon color, this tag won't have effect in case of using the above one #}
{% block delete_icon_color %}#E74C3C{% endblock delete_icon_color %}


{% extends "comment/comments/apply_icon.html" %}

{% block apply_btn_cls %}btn btn-link{% endblock apply_btn_cls %}
{% block apply_img_icon %}Here comes your favorite icon{% endblock apply_img_icon %}

{# use this tag for overriding the default icon color, this tag won't have effect in case of using the above one #}
{% block apply_icon_color %}#00bc8c{% endblock apply_icon_color %}


{% extends "comment/comments/cancel_icon.html" %}

{% block cancel_btn_cls %}btn btn-link{% endblock cancel_btn_cls %}
{% block cancel_img_icon %}Here comes your favorite icon{% endblock cancel_img_icon %}

{# use this tag for overriding the default icon color, this tag won't have effect in case of using the above one #}
{% block cancel_icon_color %}#E74C3C{% endblock cancel_icon_color %}


{% extends "comment/flags/flag_icon.html" %}

{% block flag_img_icon %}
    IMPORTANT: please consider adding these classes to your icon element as they are used in JS
    class="comment-flag-icon {% if user|has_flagged:comment %}user-has-flagged{% else %}user-has-not-flagged{% endif %}"
    Here comes your favorite icon
{% endblock flag_img_icon %}

{# use this tag for overriding the default icon color, this tag won't have effect in case of using the above one #}
{% block flag_icon_color %}#427297{% endblock flag_icon_color %}


{% extends "comment/actions/like_icon.html" %}

{% block like_img_icon %}
    {% load comment_tags %}
    {% has_reacted user=user comment=comment reaction="like" as has_user_liked %}
    IMPORTANT: please consider adding these classes to your icon element as they are used in JS
    class="comment-reaction-icon reaction-like {% if has_user_liked %}user-has-reacted{% else %}user-has-not-reacted{% endif %}"
    Here comes your favorite icon
{% endblock like_img_icon %}

{# use this tag for overriding the default icon color, this tag won't have effect in case of using the above one #}
{% block like_icon_color %}#427297{% endblock like_icon_color %}


{% extends "comment/comments/reject_icon.html" %}

{% block dislike_img_icon %}
    {% load comment_tags %}
    {% has_reacted user=user comment=comment reaction="dislike" as has_user_disliked %}
    IMPORTANT: please consider adding these classes to your icon element as they are used in JS
    class="comment-reaction-icon reaction-dislike {% if has_user_disliked %}user-has-reacted{% else %}user-has-not-reacted{% endif %}"
    Here comes your favorite icon
{% endblock dislike_img_icon %}

{# use this tag for overriding the default icon color, this tag won't have effect in case of using the above one #}
{% block dislike_icon_color %}#427297{% endblock dislike_icon_color %}


{% extends "comment/comments/reject_icon.html" %}

{% block reject_img_icon %}}
    IMPORTANT: please consider adding this class to your icon element as it is used in JS
    class="{% if comment.has_rejected_state %}flag-rejected{% endif %}"
    Here comes your favorite icon
{% block reject_img_icon %}

{# use this tag for overriding the default icon color, this tag won't have effect in case of using the above one #}
{% block reject_icon_color %}#427297{% endblock reject_icon_color %}


{% extends "comment/comments/resolve_icon.html" %}

{% block resolved_img_icon %}}
    IMPORTANT: please consider adding this class to your icon element as it is used in JS
    class="{% if comment.has_resolved_state %}flag-resolved{% endif %}"
    Here comes your favorite icon
{% block resolved_img_icon %}

{# use this tag for overriding the default icon color, this tag won't have effect in case of using the above one #}
{% block resolved_icon_color %}#427297{% endblock resolved_icon_color %}


{% extends "comment/follow/follow_icon.html" %}

{% block follow_img_icon %}
    IMPORTANT: please consider adding these classes to your icon element as they are used in JS
    class="comment-follow-icon {% if user|has_followed:model_object %}user-has-followed{% endif %}"
    Here comes your favorite icon
{% endblock follow_img_icon %}


{% extends "comment/comments/comment_modal.html" %}

{% block title %}
Confirm comment deletion
{% endblock title %}

{% block content %}
Are you sure you want to delete this comment
{% endblock content %}

{% block close_btn_cls %}
btn btn-secondary
{% endblock close_btn_cls %}

{% block del_btn_cls %}
btn btn-danger
{% endblock del_btn_cls %}


{% extends "comment/flags/flag_modal.html" %}

{% block title %}
{% trans "Please select a reason for flagging" %}
{% endblock title %}

{% block flag_link_cls %}{% endblock flag_link_cls %}


{% extends "comment/follow/follow_modal.html" %}

{% block title %}
{% trans "Please insert your email to follow this thread" %}
{% endblock title %}

{% block email_input %}
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-3">
            <label for="email">Email:</label>
        <div class="col-9">

            <input id="email" class="form-control mr-2 w-100" type="email" name="email" required>
            <div class="error text-danger small mt-1"></div>
{% endblock email_input %}

{% block follow_btn_extra_cls %}{% endblock follow_btn_extra_cls %}

Email templates:

Responsive email templates are used from

This can be overridden by creating base.html in templates/comment/email/ directory.

Both confirmation_request.html and notification.html extends the base email template and they have the following blocks for partial customization:

{% extends "comment/notifications/notification.html" %}

{% block content %}
{# your custom email message/template here #}
{% endblock content %}

{% block footer %}
{# your footer here #}
{% endblock footer %}

PS: The footer template is disabled by default.

2- CSS file:

To customize the default style of comments app , you can create a comment.css file inside static/css directory.

The new created file will override the original file used in the app.