
django-comments-dab is i18n ready. Please, consider extending support for your language if it’s not listed below. At the moment it’s available only in:

  • English, en (default language)
  • Hindi, hi
  • To enable internationalization in your django applications, in your settings file, set
USE_I18N = True
USE_L18N = True
  • To generate the translation files, run:
python compilemessages

Adding Support for Translation

We would love to expand this projects to support as many languages as possible. In case your native language is not yet supported, it would be really nice if you could take the time to add translations. To add translation support for your native language:

  • Now that you have setup the project, from the root directory of your django project, run:
python makemessages -l my_language_code
# for generating translations corresponding to javascript code
python makemessages -l my_language_code -d djangojs
  • This will create two files with the extension .po inside the locale/{language_code}/LC_MESSAGES/ directory.
  • After adding translation to both the files, please run the following command to verify everything is working:
python compilemessages -l my_language_code
  • If you don’t see an error in the last command, your translations have been added in the correct format.

  • Please consider performing a couple of operations with the UI on the example app. These guidelines help you in doing so.

    • Change the language for the example app.
    # in the file test/
    LANGUAGE_CODE = '{my_language_code}'
    • Now, you may test the app by running:
    python runserver # or docker-compose up(if you are using docker)
    • Open the URL localhost:8000 inside your browser.
    • If everything looks fine, you are good to go to the final step.
  • You are now ready push the changes(the two .po files) to your forked repository and make a pull-request from there.

Thanks for taking the time to add translations, you are awesome!.